Our United Methodist Women ministry is strong and vibrant!  All women in the church are welcome to be a part of any UMW functions and projects.  The UMW meet once a month on the second Tuesday at 6pm.  This group gets together for fellowship, planning mission outreach, as well as to support many of the church-wide events such as the Holiday Market and Homecoming!


Our United Methodist Men ministry is the backbone to some of our most fun church-wide events!  The UMM have been the leaders of our Chicken BBQ, Brunswick Stew, and many more.  All men of the church are a part of this great group and are welcome to work on any project that is going on!  The UMM meet throughout the year and these meetings will be posted in advance if you are eager to be a part!

Small Group Ministries

Sunday School

We have multiple Sunday School classes you can join!  Currently for adults we have three different classes going on at all times that focus on different lessons.  All are open to new members!  For children there is always a Sunday School teacher ready with a lesson in our children's room.  Please call our church to inquire more detail and to find the right fit for you!


We have many different small group circles that meet weekly/monthly to help with different mission outreaches or that fellowship focus.  We currently have the Lydia Circle, WOW Circle, and JOY Fellowship!  All are open to new members who appreciate gathering in small groups to serve the Lord!  Please call our church to inquire more detail and to find the right fit for you!

Fishers of Men Bible Study

This is a new men's bible study that meets once a month focusing on the Andy Griffith Show and how the lesson's from Andy can translate to Scripture and stories of the bible.  This fun group is for men, but open to new attendees every month!  They normally meet on the second Sunday at 9:30am.  Please contact Jonathon Garrett if you are interested in more detail at  

Prayer Shawl Ministry

This ministry was started to make sure all who are suffering or needing prayer can feel the love of Christ.  If you like to knit or crochet this is the group for you!  These talented individuals gather together once a week on Tuesdays at 10am.  Shawls are made for church members or friends outside the church that need to feel the love of God.  Each shawl is blessed and prayed over in worship services throughout the year and are shared weekly.  Please contact Martha Garrett if you are interested in more detail at

Chancel Choir

Do you like to sing?  Do you like to make a joyful noise for the Lord?  If so the choir would love to have you!  The Chancel Choir at Hickory Grove is always open to new interested members, men and women.  The choir meets every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary and is directed by music director Carol Hartis.  If you are interested in joining, please contact Carol at

Scripture Bible Study

Weekly, Pastor Leon leads a small group bible study that focuses on the scripture being used for the upcoming sermon for worship.  No preparation needed for this study.  Please join every Wednesday at 6:00pm in the room across from the kitchen.

Outreach & Volunteer Opportunities

We have MANY outreach mission opportunities at Hickory Grove UMC and all are welcome to be a part.  Examples of these mission opportunities are Feeding the 5,000, local food kitchens, Habitat for Humanity, Appalachian Service Project, Operation Christmas Child, and many others.  If you are passionate about mission outreach please contact Dottie Brogdon at   If you are an organization needing volunteers or our church involvement please contact Dottie as well!

We have MANY volunteer opportunities for our own events hosted at Hickory Grove UMC!  Such events are luncheons, Homecoming, Vacation Bible School, Pumpkin Patch, Holiday Market, Youth/Children's activities,  Chicken BBQ, Brunswick Stew, and many more!  Please call our church to inquire more detail and to find the right fit for you!